Although different branches of Bhakti movement of the 16th century had their roots in ancient Vaishnav religious systems, yet many of them sprouted and grew in new forms during the said period. Multi angular development of Indian culture and heritage in the past had also contributed towards structuring of these new forms. Way of worshiping personal deity i.e. "ISHTOPASANA", Which is one of the branches of Bhakti movement, in spite of its being very old religious phenomenon, took a new shape during the period. Such a process of change in belief through persuasion and transformation was not something surprising in an extremely tolerant religious society of India.
Two ways of ISHT UPASANA:-
This new shape of Ishtopasana had considerably expanded by the middle of 17th century. Rasik saint Dhruv das in his Byalis Leela (SIDHANT VICHAR) mentions about two different ways of Upasana. On one hand, the devotees sing the various 'Leelas' of all the incarnations of god with equal faith and with no reservation. Ram, Krishna, Narshingha, Vaman, and other incarnations of the Supreme Being are all worshiped by them equal reverence and faith. On the other side are those devotees who select one of the incarnations of god for their worship and they do it whole-heartedly with utmost one mindedness. Rasik Saint Dhruv Das holds the second way of Upasana comparatively more tasteful and full of love. He described 'ISHT' as beloved (premi). According to him mind of the devotee of the second category should not get attravted to any other 'ISHT' i.e. object of love other than his own and if it does, then this person is not a true devotee of his 'ISHT'.
Raas relished by selfless Sakhees out of the Couple's love sports (prem vihar) is at the top of all the "RAAS":-
Among Ishtopasak, braj Gopees are held in very high esteem. Followers of Chaitanya Sampradaya follow path shown by Braj Gopees. But contrary to this meathod of Ishtopasana, Radha Vallabh Sampradaya found out that the pleasure relished by selfless lalita, Vishakha and other Sakhees, out of love-plays of Radha and Krishna,was of the highest order. A Rasik Saint Dhruv Das, while pointing to thegradation of five Rasopasanas knonw as 'Shant','Dasya' etc. says that the 'Raas' produced by the love sports of the divine couple and relished by lalita and other Sakhees, is the sixth "Raas" and it is the finest and the sweetest of all other five "Raas". The peculiarity of this sixth "Raas" is that the extreme joy produced by the love sports of the divine couple and relished by the Sakhees never diminishes- remains ever in Union and there in not even a shadow of separation between them in this "RAAS".
Defination of Rsik:-
Rasik Saint DHRUV DAS defining a Rasik in "Byalis Leela"( Mana Shiksha Leela) says that Rasik is one of those rare devotees in whose heart the mutul love of the divine couple keeps on shining for ever. Moreover Dhruv Das tries to lay down some rules of conduct of a Rasik. One of these rules being that, Like GYANI (one who follows the path of knowledge), Rasik should not meet or mix with each and every person indiscriminately. In opposition to this, he should have love relation with only those who follow his way of worship. he should not eat or drink in the company of those who are not Rasik. Nor should he eat or drink at public places such as hotels, restaurants,etc. Moreover, whatever they eat or drink must have already been offered to Radha Vallabh Lal. By eating everywhere and with anybody indiscriminately, the Rasik-devotee loses the glow of his Devotion to god and the said rules of conduct are prescribed just to keep his devotion firm and pure.
Radha Vallabh Sampradaya, However, fully understands and appreciated that in pure love there is no room for illiberal views and that pure love cannot remain confined - it must soread out. This Sampradaya is equality minded of the imperative need for having a sense of equality among all human being. Sewak ji, who is known to be the foremost projector of Hit Harivansh Mahaprabhu ji Maharaj's teachings, advised Rasik to Follow their way of worship by having pleasant and affectionate disposition towards one and all.
Another Rasik Ladli Das, in his "SUDHARM BODHENI" writes:
"The great religion of Hit Harivansh or say of love, is that, besides faithfully repeating the name of our Isht (Priya-Priyatam) and hearing the account of their charming love- sports, we should think of and act for the well-being and happiness of all, right from a small insect to the divine Couple (Shyama-Shyam), without any selfish motive." He further says,"unfortunate devotees are those who serve their Isht but speak ill of or do wrong to others. In doing so, they just put the tree on fire while watering its roots."
Selfless Love makes one humble, co-operative, helpful to all and totally dependent on his/her object of Love:-
When love shines in one's heart, his ego and all pride vanishes and he beings to think himself as the lowliest of all. He becomes humble, co-operative and ever helpful to his fellow beings as he sees his Isht in each of them. He has then, full faith in his Isht(Priya-Priytam), does not belive in hard practices of cruel austerities such as too much fasting and torturing the body in any other way and in the traditionally known bad and good effects of stars on human life.
We all know that relationship of servant and master (Das and Swami) between the devotee and his Isht and one-minded devotion and dedication to one's Isht have been the basis of entire Vaishnav worship from time immemorial. This belief is also found expressed in Radha VAllabh Sampradaya's literature. Stanza 240 of 'Shrimad Radha Sudha Nidhi Stotram' is given below as an example wherein Hit Harivansh Mahaprabhu ji Maharaj expresses his absolute dependence on Radha - his Swamini and Isht.
" O ! Shri Radha - the bestower of joy !
I am solely dependent on you
With my pure body, speech and mind,
I live by eating the nectar like remnants
Of food tasted by you,
I hear only the narration
of your acts (love-sports / prem vihar),
Iadore only the dust
of your lotus feet,
I roam in your bowery adobe (Groves of Vrindavan),
i sing only your divine virtues,
And I behold only your lovely form(body)."
Sampradaya's ways of worship (upasana) :-
Lastly, to say, worship (upasana) in Radha Vallabh Sampradaya is channelized in three commonly adopted ways which run concurrently. One is to serve Shri Radha Vallabh Lal who is enshrined in his temple in Vrindavan or to worship Their image Kept at home by following the prescribed method of the Sampradaya. The second is remembering and uttering repeatedly the name of the Isht (Shri Radha Vallabh Lal in their case) or the spell (Mantra) of the Sampradaya and third one is to study again and again the literary works of well known and accomplished Rasik devotees.